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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/13/2008
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
October 13, 2008

Members present:  Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Mr. Mann called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Review of Minutes and Correspondence
The minutes of September 8, 2008 were reviewed.  Paragraph 4 was amended to read:  Mr. Boyajian reported that there will be a meeting on September 17th of the Parks & Recreation Commission to discuss the Master Plan and the trail system leading from the School to the Carpenter Park.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Mr. Boyajian.  Motion passes.

The Selectmen's minutes were reviewed and it was noted that the assessment of the Guida/Merrill LUCT shall be extended for a period of up to a year.

A DES denial letter was received concerning the stream crossing proposed by Chucksterís LLC.  Such permit was denied for lack of necessary information.

Land Management
Mr. Boyajian reported that the meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission on October 8th reviewed the past forum events and finalized Master Plan documents.

NH Trail Dawgs - Kevin Gagne
Mr. Gagne was before the Commission to request permission to construct and maintain snowmobile trail across the Sanborn-Cray Conservation Area and the exit stream of Marsh Pond.  Mr. Gagne maintains trail from Bear Brook State Park through Chichester.  There was discussion concerning the construction of a bridge on the property due to potential easement restrictions.  A motion was made; to support the proposal of the Trail Dawgs, in concept, pending checking for deed restriction and having a hearing to notify abutters that such has been proposed, by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mr. Boyajian.  Motion passes.  The hearing shall be scheduled for November 10th and the Selectmen shall be invited for a joint hearing for their vote on the proposal.

There was discussion about the reconstruction of the Marsh Pond Dam in conjunction with the trail project.  Such dam may be built as a bridge for the snowmobiles and trail hiking.  

A motion was made; to approve the 2009 Budget as level funded from the prior year, by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mr. Boyajian.  Motion passes.

The next meeting of the Commission will be on November 10, 2008.  Being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 9:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Jeff Andrews, Vice-Chairman